The second guest of the ongoing discussions in harmony with nature at Natura Spa was Dilara Koçak, an activist and nutrition expert who advocates for the future of food on every platform.
At Natura Spa, in the talks organized to raise awareness of the concept of wellbeing on the island, the focus this time was on turning our perspective on our health towards the nature we live in. Dilara Koçak, an expert in this field, shared her knowledge with participants in a delightful and equally realistic two-hour conversation.
It was emphasized that while we may know very well which foods are good for us in terms of nutrition, what we need to pay attention to is what nature provides us with, and the need to increase continuity in implementation. It was an experience where we re-evaluated what we know about foods.

How many times have we asked ourselves this question in the flow of life, and most importantly, what was the answer we received from ourselves? Perhaps for the first time, we may have asked this question during the conversation with Dilara Koçak.
The formula for truly being well is directly proportional to how well we take care of our bodies, minds, and nature. Dilara Koçak questioned how much we exist within this triad. She reminded us by bringing up questions like how aware we are of what belongs to us, how much we consume products grown in our own lands, how often we consume products native to this geography in our homes, and whether we do so according to the seasons.
Introducing the term "Locavore," which defines consuming foods native to the geography we live in, Dilara Koçak emphasized how rich the island is in this regard, even highlighting that the "Mediterranean Diet" ranks first in diets practiced worldwide. She suggested that instead of "chia seeds," which do not grow in these lands, we should have "molehiya" leaves, which hold an important place in the island's cuisine.

Dilara Koçak, who strives to preserve the connection between wildlife and humans, warned that while taking care of ourselves, we also need to consider our planet, and in this regard, it is important to pay attention to carbon and water footprints instead of just calorie counting.
In this century of consumption, Dilara Koçak pointed out that by raising awareness, we can protect the future of our food, explaining that although we are living in the latter half of the year 2023 according to the calendar, unfortunately, due to our unconscious consumption of resources, we are actually in the first months of 2024. In this context, she underscored the need to adopt the term "climatarian," which embraces a climate-friendly eating approach.
In line with Natura Spa's vision of sensitivity towards nature and the surrounding environment, Cyprus Developments presented Dilara Koçak with a special gift from the Cyprus National Seed Bank: ancestral and native seeds, which are the essence of future security and healthy food, in a unique design to serve as a special memento.